Product Reviews

Thank you for your interest in leaving a product review! Well-written reviews help our customers make informed decisions and provide valuable feedback to manufacturers, ultimately leading to a better shopping experience for everyone involved.

Product Review Guidelines

Customer reviews must follow the guidelines below, and we reserve the right to edit them for clarity, including punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. If your review is deemed vague or inappropriate, it will be disapproved or a member of our team may reach out for more details. Thank you for helping us maintain a helpful and respectful community.

How to Write a Helpful Product Review

  • Be Honest: Provide an honest account of your experience, both positive and negative.
  • Be Specific: Include details about what you liked or disliked about the product.
  • Be Professional: Write clearly and concisely, avoiding unnecessary jargon.
  • Be Concise: Good Reviews are typically between 100 and 300 words.
  • Highlight Key Features: Mention the most important features and how they performed.
  • Include Usage Details: Explain how you used the product and how often.
  • Address Common Questions: Think about what potential buyers might want to know and address those points.
  • Compare: Compare the product to similar ones you've used.

The Following Are Not Allowed

  • Direct pricing references.
  • HTML tags or special characters.
  • Reviews containing profanity, inflammatory language, obscenity or illegal/immoral content.
  • Reviews submitted by the manufacturer or anyone with a relationship to the manufacturer.
  • Reviews submitted as a personal attack against the manufacturer.
  • Reviews submitted in exchange for monetary benefit.
  • Reviews for products not purchased from GPKNIVES.
  • Multiple reviews from one customer for the same product.
  • Advertisements, content deemed "spam", and copyright or plagiarized material.
  • Personally identifiable information. (examples include: names, email addresses, phone numbers)

And lastly...

Issues with the Retailer

We kindly ask you address any concerns directly with our customer service team to help keep our product reviews focused and relevant. This ensures that reviews reflect the product itself and not issues related to shipping, damage, or customer service experiences. By handling these matters separately, we can provide a clearer, more accurate picture of the product for future customers.

Approval Timeframe

All reviews are held for approval after submission. While most reviews are approved within 7 days, some may take up to 30 days to be posted on the website. We appreciate your patience and understanding.